
Advantages of Information and Communication Technology


  • Unit No: N/A
  • Level: High school
  • Pages: 1 / Words 295
  • Paper Type: Essay
  • Course Code: N/A
  • Downloads: 1355
Question :

Questions- This assessment will cover following questions:

  • How the internet can be a source for the research?
  • What is the impact of information and communication technology in 21stcentury?
Answer :


Information and communication technology is pro version of information technology which plays crucial role in communication and the integration of telecommunication such as telephone line and wireless signals (Schreurs, Quan-Haase and Martin, 2017). It is widely used in education and business.


Advantages of ICT and Impact on Daily Life

There are various advantages of information and communication technology because it supports to communicate with other people in single time. For example number of people can direct communicate with other people and can spread information from one source to another source in minimum time (Ringenson and, 2017). It enhances efficiency of people in working. for example number of people can get lots of information from this source directly and during confusion can communicate to their senior or other. It leads cost-effectiveness in business. For example business man can send email in minimum time without wasting money. It is cheaper rather to phone. Thus, ICT is more effective rather to IT.

ICT introduces new platform to people where they can do lots of work in minimum time without expending extra money (Reinecke and, 2017). It gives positive impact on person's everyday life such as working to socialization and learning to performing. 21st century is digital age where youth gets new platform for communication, enhance performance at workplace. Beside of this it gives negative impact on youth age like physical and mental stress and eye strain etc. this technology leads addiction in youth age for software.


This report has been concluded information and communication technology and its advantage in 21st century. In this report also has been explained impact of ICT on daily life.

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